Monday, October 01, 2012

Leaving DB

Back to October 2008, when I was in Bandung, I got a call from a HR manager in Jakarta asked me for a job interview. Then 1 week after it, I go to Jakarta to meet the HR manager, after a long negotiation and spending some weeks in the city I'm officially hired by the company.

I started my days to build their network infrastructure and next advance to system programmer. I design Linux device and application for one of their most important device. From this experience I proofed how good Linux for the industry, tons of features, highly customizable and undoubtedly reliable. I proofed how good the collaboration of the Debian project, proofed the GTK+ interface and usability, proofed how good POSIX thread was implemented and more. I have learned many things from serial port devices to card and reader interfaces.

For some personal decisions (human natures such as dislike and disagree) I decided to leave the company and advance to the next level of complexity. I have worked with peoples who has great determination and spirit, got so many friends there. This is my 4th years relation with the company, thanks for giving me such a great experience, wish the best success for you. And I hate to say Goodbye!.