Saturday, April 18, 2009
Fedora: Costumization
You may know that Fedora was targeted for desktop user, therefore many desktop applications such as X Server, Window Manager, Desktop Environment, Network Application (browser or messenger), Multimedia and many more have been already included. For those who want to use Fedora for server, router or even a small system that use only console based application you may follow this customization.
You can get a list of installed applications or application's group and remove that you don't need, for individual application you can try with rpm:
#rpm -qa | more
This will show you a list of applications installed on your system, to remove a application named i-dont-need-you:
#yum remove i-dont-need-you
Just for sure, you don't want to remove a application which has dependency with your desired application right? so be carefull.
Then For group of applications:
#yum grouplist
Will list some series of group used by Fedora, to remove a group of application let say 'Web Development' (coz you are not PHP or AJAX ninja ;p):
#yum groupremove 'Web Development'
Before removing a application that you don't know what is and what for, use:
#yum info 'application_name' or #yum groupinfo 'group_name'
Fedora Project